Social Media Distancing

Over the past year plus, it has been easier than ever to stay glued to a phone or computer. With less obligations, and more of what seems to be free time, social media has been an alure of distraction. Children have been out of school, without teacher supervision, making it very easy to get by with a few hours of care free social media scrolling. And for parents alike, occasionally logging onto Zoom for a meeting, or sending emails, social media can fill a large portion of their time in a day. 

Procrastination can be detrimental to a career, education, or any other pursuit. It takes discipline to stay off social media, and accomplish goals throughout the day. It may help to set a schedule, or to-do list of things that need to get done throughout a day. Or even disable social media apps, especially for children, until an appropriate time in the day. 

Either way, discipline is key in success, and social media is a big temptation to discipline. Knowing that, and knowing the benefits of avoiding mindless time spent on apps is the best tool for staying away. Children have a harder time understanding this, which is why it is important to teach them the dangers of procrastination, and what excess time on social media can do to someone. These lessons do not come easy however, as most of society has accepted social media as a way of life. Kids tend to follow these social norms, and are very easily influenced by their world. So if the world around them is entrenched in social media, they will tend to think it is acceptable. 

It is important to spend time away from a screen, or at least a screen with nothing productive going on. It is still important to get work done, go to school, or even go outside. Time away from social media is never a bad thing, and can benefit everyone, both young and old, who struggles with the intense pull that social media brings. 
