Friends who may never meet

Social media has an impressive way of bringing people together. Whether you're from the same area or not, chances are you can find someone online you have a lot in common with. This relatively new way of connection has birthed friendships, relationships, business partnerships, etc.. With what seems like unlimited outlets of information, anyone can put their ideas and work out for others to see. 

In an era removed from traditional pen pals of the past, we can now have almost any type of relationship desirable without ever having to meet face to face. Whatever your means of communication, it is seemless. Facetime or Zoom brings you quite literally face to face with someone anywhere on the planet. Texting or direct messaging lets you talk almost instantaneously. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook allow you to get a personalized look into someone's life through whatever lense they choose to let you see. 

Social media lets anyone have an outlet, which has resulted in huge success for a large number of people. It's virtually seemless connection allows people to be apart of each others lives, and feel closely connected to whoever they choose. The world is a lot smaller because of social media. People are less isolated, no matter geographically where they may be. They can all come together at any time, in one place, the internet. 
